Saturday, April 24, 2010

4/24/2010 Nackawic

It was a lazy afternoon and for the first time, I took a nap. Most of the time we were yacking together or listening to Anne of Green Gables on the CD together, but today I took a nap. When I woke up, we were on a side road, no longer on the highway. When I asked where we were going, Karen tried to tell me but she kept laughing. She was really chuckling so hard, she couldn't get the words out! We were heading to Nackawic. And the reason she was going there was the highway sign said it was the home of the World's Largest Axe.

Here's Nackawic. It's a beautiful, pastoral little town. It's hard to imagine that there's going to be a giant axe! Even if the axe is a disappointment, we were glad we got to see this cute little place.

This is in the park where the World's Largest Axe is located. These docks were out on dry land and not in the water (presumably for the winter). It reminded us of the docks at Camp Rocky Point!

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