Wednesday, June 3, 2015

How did this happen??

The original plans were:
  1. Mary would fly from Dallas in to Montana a day early and spend time with relatives in MT.
  2. Karen would fly from Austin to Kalispell via Denver.
  3. Rodney would fly from Denver to Seattle to Kalispell (heaven only knows why the not-direct flight was so much cheaper but it was going to be worth it).
  4. I would meet up with Rodney in Seattle and we would be on the same flight in to Kalispell. 
Well Tuesday morning, Mary gets a message that her flight has been cancelled and they've rebooked her on a Wednesday flight instead of a Tuesday flight. She's now on Karen's flight from Denver to Kalispell. Wednesday morning, Rodney gets a message that his flight from Denver to Seattle is delayed...delayed enough that he'll miss his connection in Seattle. So he gets Alaska Airlines to put him on the United flight that Karen and Mary are on. Yep. The three of them get to Kalispell at the same time on the same flight and before me! Hey don't have too much more fun until I get there!

 Karen and Rodney actually got seats together. Here are Karen and Mary doing something silly in the Kalispell airport. They're at the gift shop...didn't even get outside security yet. I think I'm too late on the "don't have fun without me" request.

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