Tuesday, August 14, 2007

ME: 8/5/07, 5:00pm arrive at David & Virginia's

We made it! Traffic was nice from Roslyn to the house. That was nice after all that icky traffic earlier. We were more determined than ever to not have to go back through the city. Later, after the beach, after dinner, and after Apples to Apples, David got online and found out about the ferry we had seen on the map. He made reservations and printed out directions to Port Jefferson. How nice to have friends who can act as travel agents as needed. Mike and Alicia did it for us helping us figure out a good alternative route to New Jersey that would avoid Washington DC and all surrounding areas. In fact, we emailed them after our successful arrival to tell them how great the roads were. They go to Philly all the time to visit Alicia's grandparents and hate having to go through the DC area.

Anyway, all the kiddos were there and very happy to see us. The guest room trundle bed was out and the room rearranged to make room for both beds. I'd never seen the guest room (a.k.a. Theresa's Room because I get to come visit so often) arranged like that. It was pretty cool like that!

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