Monday, August 13, 2007

ME: 8/2/07 7:30pm arrive at Mike and Alicia's outside Greensboro, NC***

Mike's directions combined with Alicia's landmarks were great and we got right to their house. They said the A/C had gone out that day, but it was such great weather, we didn't really notice. Alicia made chicken pot pie. She knew it was one of Marty's favorites from when she brought it to a choir potluck dinner oh so many years ago. Oh, were we surprised when it came out of the oven. :-)

In real life, the cutout wasn't labeled. ;-) But I recognized it right away!! How fun was that for Alicia to cut out the outline of the State of Maine??!!

Mike took this photo of all of us at dinner using his remote control.

It was after 8pm when we ate and I couldn't get in touch with Jan at Hollins where we were supposed to spend the night, but the more we thought about driving that late at night, the more tempting Mike and Alicia's offer became. We finally decided to accept and we spent the night at their house. Turns out, they already had taken the trundle bed out and made it up to get the guest room ready for us "just in case." Do you think they knew something that we didn't?

The room and bathroom were so much nicer than the hotel in Chattanooga. The beds were wonderfully comfortable. And there were actually enough plugs for us to charge up 2 cell phones, a laptop, my Palm, and 2 camera batteries.

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