Friday, March 7, 2008

3/6/08 Souvenirs we didn't buy

For everyone I know that loves pink and is a princess girl (MRM, Dana, Lizzie, . . . ) here's your new china and housewares collection.

a rhinestone tiara, no less!

To my family and former office mates to whom I always bring a pencil back from wherever I go (they're great souvenirs because they're inexpensive, useful, and don't take up much room in your suitcase going home), here are some of the Las Vegas souvenirs you won't be getting this year.

For Dr. Mari's cow collection, I did not add these piggy/cow banks to her collection.

For Buster and Tina, 2 of the cutest Scottie Dogs I've ever dogsat for (and in honor of Annie, who preceded them), I thought of you but did not get this for your mom and dad.

For my own teammates, Beth and Grace, personalized tins to hold your mints in your purse. I should've indulged but I didn't.

For Dr. Mari, whose cat Rusty (an orange tabby) just had butt surgery twice in the last three months, I did not get these refrigerator magnets. There were also cat butt coasters (wouldn't you like to set your drink down on one of those?) and cat butt stickers. What I loved about the magnets was, in the lower right hand corner, you see a cat's head and the caption says, "Guess which one is mine." In the lower left corner is a magnet with an ugly mess on it. It's labeled "FREE!" and says, "Real hairball magnet with every set!" Don't you wish you could've been there to buy your own magnet set??

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