Friday, March 7, 2008

3/6/08 buying souvenirs

After lunch on our last full day we decided we better do the requisite souvenir shopping, especially Beth who has two boys at home. We'd been scouting stuff out all week, but it was all so expensive and not much fun. Denise showed us this place when we drove past it the other night. It was a few blocks away (more walking . . . we've done soooo much walking this week) and well worth it. You can only imagine what was in here. What a blast! I think this place has been here since before the first strip opened. So it was a blast from the past as well.

1 comment:

Clarissa said...

okay, well, now I'm really curious.

what did you BUY?

especially Beth... what did those two boys at home end up with (not the "all I got from Vegas was this lousy t-shirt" one, I'm sure...