Sunday, April 27, 2008

4/27/08 Sunday Brunch

I love the Sunday Brunch of Family Reunion weekends because it's so relaxed and so fun and such a celebration of family, fun, and life. But I hate that it signals that another reunion is coming to an end. :-( This year's was no exception. But it was nice that everybody stayed for most of the day. There were no early departures (Nikki and Vernon before sunrise or Deborah and Daughter on the 9am flight). So the entire cast spent the entire morning and even part of the afternoon together before the inevitable call of work and obligations on Monday morning called us back to our regular lives.

Albert cooked up some of the fish that "the boys" caught on their escapade while the e-cousins were at their spa day. It was my first time to eat "dolphin" (the fish not the mammal) or barracuda. They were both delicious but is that the fish or is that the magic of Albert's cooking? We also enjoyed Rebecca's yummy quiche, coffee cake, and cheese grits. How can she do all that cooking on top of the amazing spread she put out on Friday night?! I love being related to talented cooks. I'll be picking out all the finest restaurants when reunion is in Maine in 2009. ;-)

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