Tuesday, July 31, 2007

ME: 7/29/07 Getting Ready

Matthew has been helping me pack and purge. He's not only manual labor, he's been a great listener and a very patient young man as I hem and haw and try to decide what we need to do next. He doesn't say much when I must outloud wondering how to tackle this insurmountable challenge of reducing 23 years worth of packratted treasure to what will fit in a 10x12 storage shed in Texas and the back of my car to go to Maine. I try to remember to feed him at the appropriate times.

Sunday afternoon, he came over at 3:00, as scheduled, when the estate sale was over. I almost wish he wasn't so punctual so I could put off what was inevitable, but he was there and I was paying him, so I got to work and put him to work, too. We started by clearing up the estate sale and getting everything into the house that was important and cleaning up the backyard. Then we took everything off a card table and put it somewhere so that we could take down the card tables and return them to their rightful owners. Next, I wanted to start packing the car but decided we should really work on the shed while it was still light. The car is in the front yard where there's a streetlight and a porch light if it came to that, but the shed gets dark pretty fast. We actually came to a good stopping point on the shed and were headed to dinner at Arby's when I saw the estate sale sign in my front yard and remembered that we needed to take down all the signs. So we delayed dinner long enough to go pick up all the signs. When we put them up, Matthew was driving and I was the runner. Now, I was the driver, so Matthew got to be the runner.

At Arby's we were enjoying our sandwiches and discovering that we both preferred our French fries without catsup when we saw the Oscar Meyer Weinermobile pull up in the parking lot. How fun is that?! It really aroused our curiosity. It's such a funny shape with that big back end curving up out of the bun . . . what's inside in that part? The writing was all in Spanish on the side of the Weinermobile that we could see. Was it bilingual and in English on the other side? Did they have Spanish Weinermobiles and English ones? Inquiring minds want to know! After we finished eating, we investigated (BTW, it's English on one side and Spanish on the other) and took photos.

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